Configuring Asta Vision

The Admin page provides links to the various pages that you use to configure Asta Vision.

To access the Admin page from the Asta Vision Home page, click Admin.

Configuration option Description
Site Settings Configure a number of settings that affect the way in which Asta Vision works.
Project Hierarchy Configuring how projects are grouped on the Projects page.
Dashboard Options Configure the information that is displayed in programme dashboard views for each programme type. Programme dashboard views are not available in Asta Vision by default. Please contact Elecosoft to find out more.
Project Grid Columns Specify which fields should be displayed as columns on the Projects page - the page that displays a list of your projects - and as read-only fields on the pages that you use to create projects and edit their properties.
Project Grid Filters Specify which user-defined enumerations should be displayed as drop-down menus above the list of projects on the Projects page. You can display up to five user-defined enumerations on the Projects page, and use them to filter the projects that are displayed in the list on that page.
Action Order Specify the order in which actions appear on the Project page - the page that appears when you edit a project and its programmes.
Add Existing Project Add a project that already exists in Asta Powerproject to Asta Vision, rather than using Asta Vision to create a project and its programmes from scratch.
Update Vision BI Data Update your Business Intelligence database with the latest information from your Asta Vision database (available only if you have purchased the optional Business Intelligence module).
Firewall Settings Specify firewall settings to enable access to your Business Intelligence database (available only if you have purchased the optional Business Intelligence module).
Global Libraries Enable support for global libraries - calendars, codes, progress periods, quality checks and resources that can be stored in Asta Vision and used in any number of individual projects, saving you from having to set up the same libraries in your projects multiple times.
Enumerations Create, edit and delete user-defined enumerations, which are lists of values that are grouped under a given name.
Project UDFs Define your own fields, to be used at project level, to store whatever information you like.
Programme UDFs Define your own fields, to be used at programme level, to store whatever information you like.
User UDFs Define your own fields, to be used at user level, to store whatever information you like.
User roles Create, edit and delete user roles, which define the actions that users can carry out in Asta Vision.
Programme types Create, edit and delete programme types, which define the different categories of programme that you work with.
Security rules Configure rules that determine the actions that users are able to carry out in Asta Vision.
Workflow rules Configure rules that describe actions in the Asta Vision workflow.
Email rules Configure rules that determine which users are notified when certain events occur in Asta Vision.
Programme templates Upload *.PP files for use as templates when creating the first programme in a new project; rename and delete programme templates.
Quality checks Upload *.JSON quality check files that have been created in Asta Powerproject, which can then be applied to programme types; rename and delete quality check files.

The options on this page are organised in the order in which it is recommended you configure Asta Vision; the configuration options at the top of the page are optional.

With the exception of the configuration options that appear along the top of the page, a number appears to the left of each configuration option. This number indicates the number of items that have been set up for each option. For example, a 12 next to Security rules indicates that twelve security rules have been set up; a 4 next to Programme templates indicates that four files have been uploaded for use as programme templates.