Using a whiteboard to manage pull plans

You use the Pull Plan Whiteboard page to arrange the tasks in a pull plan in the order in which they are to be carried out, grouped together in a way that suits you. Each task is represented by a card, and you can click and drag the cards around the whiteboard to arrange them in any way you like. Think of the whiteboard as a pin board attached to a wall, and each card as a sticky note on the pin board. Once you have arranged the tasks in a pull plan on the whiteboard, you can draw links between them to show dependencies.

To access the Pull Plan Whiteboard page:

  1. Click Pull Plans in the left pane. The Pull Plans page appears.
  2. Click a pull plan in the list.
  3. Click Whiteboard.

The whiteboard has vertical columns, with each column representing a date, and horizontal rows - known as 'swimlanes' - which you can use to group the tasks by project team or build location. Use the scrollbars to the below and to the right of the whiteboard to move around the whiteboard, displaying different dates and swimlanes.

Week numbers are displayed at the top of the whiteboard. Depending on how you have configured the current project, weeks are numbered either from the project start date, or according to the ISO week date system.

You can create as many swimlanes as you like, with each swimlane corresponding either to a project team that is to work on the tasks in the pull plan, or to a build location at which the pull plan's tasks take place. You can toggle the whiteboard between having project team-based swimlanes and build location-based swimlanes.

When swimlanes represent project teams, there may be one swimlane for carpenters; one for electricians; one for plumbers; and so on. When swimlanes represent build locations, there may be one swimlane for each plot on a site; one for each floor in a building; one for each room in a building; and so on.

You click and drag tasks into the appropriate project team's swimlane to indicate the project team that is to carry out each task, or the build location in which each task takes place. Each cell in the whiteboard can contain more than one task, which allows you to represent situations in which a project team has more than one task on a single day, or more than one task takes place in a build location on a single day.

In addition to the swimlanes that correspond to project teams or build locations, you can display an 'Activities' swimlane at the top of the whiteboard that displays the activities in the pull plan. Displaying the 'Activities' swimlane can help you to manage the tasks in a pull plan, as it enables you to see which activities are in the pull plan, the dates on which the activities are planned and the links between the activities. To display the 'Activities' swimlane, click the Activities button at the top-left of the whiteboard. To hide the 'Activities' swimlane, click the Activities button again.

Any tasks that have not yet been positioned on the whiteboard appear in a task list to the left of the whiteboard. If swimlanes represent project teams, the task list contains those tasks to which a project team has not yet been assigned; if swimlanes represent build locations, it contains those tasks to which a build location has not yet been assigned.

Related Topics:

Working with pull plans

Creating pull plans for a project

Viewing and editing pull plan details

Viewing a pull plan as a Gantt chart

Working with tasks in a pull plan

Editing and moving multiple pull plan tasks at the same time

Creating baselines and comparing pull plans against them

Creating project teams

Creating build locations

Exporting data from Asta Connect

Locking tasks to prevent them from being edited or deleted