Editing and moving multiple pull plan tasks at the same time

You use the Edit Multiple Tasks dialog to edit more than one task in a pull plan at the same time and to move them forwards or backwards in time together by a specified number of days or weeks. The tasks in a pull plan represent the activities that must be carried out as part of the pull plan. Any changes that you make using this dialog are applied to all of the tasks you have selected.

Be careful when editing or moving multiple tasks, as Asta Connect has no 'Undo' function. This means that if you make a mistake when editing or moving multiple tasks, it can be difficult to reverse your changes.

You cannot edit tasks in a pull plan if the whiteboard is locked. If you access the Edit Multiple Tasks dialog when the whiteboard is locked, the dialog is read-only - you cannot save any changes.

To select the tasks you want to edit or move and access the Edit Multiple Tasks dialog:

  1. Click Pull Plans in the left pane. The Pull Plans page appears.
  2. Click a pull plan in the list.
  3. Click Whiteboard. The Pull Plan Whiteboard page appears.
  4. Click the Multi-Select button. Small squares appear at the top-left corner of each swimlane, column and task in the whiteboard:

    Small squares in the top-left corner of each swimlane, column and task on the whiteboard
  5. Select the tasks you want to edit or move as follows:
    • To select all tasks in a swimlane, click the swimlane. A tick appears on the swimlane, and on every task in the swimlane, to show that the swimlane's tasks have been selected:

      All tasks in a swimlane with ticks to show that they are selected
    • To select all tasks in a column, click the column heading. A tick appears on the column heading, and in every task in the column, to show that the column's tasks have been selected:

      All tasks in a column with ticks to show that they are selected
    • To select an individual task, click the task. A tick appears on the task to show that it is selected:

      A task with a tick to show that it is selected
    • To deselect a swimlane, column or task, click it again; the tick is removed.
  6. When you have finished selecting the tasks you want to edit or move, click the Edit Multiple Tasks button to display the Edit Multiple Tasks dialog; if you click Multi-Select again at any point before accessing the Edit Multiple Tasks dialog, you are taken out of multi-select mode.

Note the following points about selecting multiple tasks:

  • If you select an individual task and that task is the only task in its swimlane or column, a tick is added to the swimlane or column as well as to the task.
  • If you select a swimlane and a task in the swimline is the only task in its column, a tick is added to that column as well as to the swimlane and task.
  • If you select a column and a task in the column is the only task in its swimlane, a tick is added to that swimlane as well as to the column and task.
  • If you select one or more tasks that are currently locked, they will not be updated with any changes that you make unless you turn off the Locked toggle on the Task Details tab of the Edit Multiple Tasks dialog to unlock all of the selected tasks.

The fields on the Edit Multiple Tasks dialog are divided into four tabs: Selected Tasks, Task Details, Risk Log and Move Tasks. The Selected Tasks tab displays a list of the tasks you have selected, with a check box to the left of each task:

A list of the tasks you have selected, displayed on the Selected Tasks tab

To deselect a task and remove it from the current selection, clear the check box to the left of the task. Any edits you make on this dialog will apply only to the tasks that are selected on the Selected Tasks tab.

Related Topics:

Using a whiteboard to manage pull plans

Working with tasks in a pull plan

Creating tasks in a pull plan

Working with project teams

Working with build locations

Working with project tags

Using risk categories to define why tasks are at risk or blocked

Locking tasks to prevent them from being edited or deleted