The pull plan is displayed in the form of a spreadsheet and Gantt chart. Each activity in the pull plan appears on its own row in the spreadsheet and Gantt chart. If any tasks have been associated with an activity, they appear directly beneath the activity, with one row per project team - these rows are similar to the swimlanes on the Pull Plan Whiteboard page. Scroll bars appear at the right of and beneath the pull plan if there are more activities and tasks than can be displayed on the screen at one time. Click and drag these scroll bars to scroll around the pull plan.
The Gantt chart displays each activity and task graphically, with a date zone at the top so that you can see when each activity and task takes place. The Gantt chart displays different types of activities and tasks as follows:
Activity |
Activity with one or more project tags assigned |
Milestone |
Summary task |
Summary task with one or more project tags assigned |
Task |
Completed task |
'At risk/blocked' task |
The colours of activities, milestones and summary tasks can be set by the project tags that are applied to them. Each task is coloured according to the project team responsible for the task.
The Gantt chart displays links between activities and tasks as follows - the direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the link:
Finish-to-Start |
Start-to-Finish |
Start-to-Start |
Finish-to-Finish |
The spreadsheet displays the name, start date, finish date, location and percentage progress of each activity. For task rows, the information displayed relates to all of the tasks on the row unless you expand the row to view details of individual tasks. If a task is associated with an activity for which a location is specified, the location of the task is not shown; its location is the same as the activity.
The following illustration shows a pull plan that comprises a single summary - 'First floor' - containing two activities: 'First floor electrics' and 'First floor plastering'. Each activity has two rows of corresponding tasks: the 'First floor electrics' activity has tasks relating to the 'Electricians' and 'Construction Manager' project teams, and the 'First floor plastering' activity has tasks relating to the 'Plasterers' and 'Construction Manager' project teams: