Working with pull plans
The Pull Plans page displays a list of the pull plans that have been created for all projects.
Pull plans are used in the 'phase planning' phase of the Last Planner© System to assign responsibility for each task to an individual, contractor or subcontractor. During the creation of a pull plan, the workflow of the project phase is determined and the last planners work together to determine how long it will take for them to complete their parts of this phase of the project. Once each last planner has determined how long each task will take, a more definite schedule for the project can be created. You can use 'pull planning' during this phase, in which you work backwards from the end-phase milestone and ensure that all can complete their tasks in time for the next phase to begin.
To access the Pull Plans page, click Pull Plans in the left pane.
For each pull plan, the following information is displayed:
- Title: the name that has been given to the pull plan.
- Project Name: the name of the project to which the pull plan relates.
- Tags: any project tags that have been assigned to the pull plan.
You can filter the list and sort the list according to the data in a particular column.
Working with lists in Asta Connect
Creating pull plans for a project
Viewing and editing pull plan details
Viewing a pull plan as a Gantt chart
Working with tasks in a pull plan
Using a whiteboard to manage pull plans