Exporting data from Asta Connect

You use the Export dialog to export data from projects in a format that can be imported into Asta Powerproject. You should export data from the project periodically. For example, you may want to do this at the end of each week. You can export data relating to a whole project, or data relating to a single pull plan. The name of the dialog differs, depending on the scope of your export.

If you access this dialog from the Pull Plan Tasks or Pull Plan Whiteboard page, you can also use the dialog to export a pull plan's whiteboard in PDF format, which means that you can share the whiteboard and its tasks with other stakeholders, either by printing the PDF or by attaching the PDF to an email.

Related Topics:

Importing data exported from Asta Connect into Asta Powerproject

Viewing and editing a project's master plan

Creating activities in a project's master plan

Editing activities in a project's master plan

Linking activities in a project's master plan