Viewing and editing task details in a pull plan

You use the Edit Task dialog to edit tasks in a pull plan. The tasks in a pull plan represent the activities that must be carried out as part of the pull plan. You can also use this dialog to lock tasks, to prevent them from being edited or deleted, to unlock tasks, and to delete tasks.

You cannot edit tasks in a pull plan if the whiteboard is locked. If you access the Edit Task dialog when the whiteboard is locked, the dialog is read-only - you cannot save any changes.

To access the Edit Task dialog:

  1. Click Pull Plans in the left pane. The Pull Plans page appears.
  2. Click a pull plan in the list. The Pull Plan Details page appears.
  3. Click Tasks at the top of the page. The Pull Plan Tasks page appears.
  4. Click a task in the list. The Edit Task dialog appears.

The fields on this dialog are divided into four tabs: Details, Dependencies, Risk Log and Project Tags.

Related Topics:

Working with tasks in a pull plan

Creating tasks in a pull plan

Locking tasks to prevent them from being edited or deleted

Editing and moving multiple pull plan tasks at the same time

Working with project teams

Working with project tags

Using risk categories to define why tasks are at risk or blocked