Working with tasks in a pull plan
You use the Pull Plan Tasks page to view and edit the tasks that make up a pull plan. Each task represents a single activity that must be carried out as part of the pull plan. For example, if a pull plan relates to the activities that must be carried out on a single floor of a building during construction, individual tasks within the pull plan may be 'Lay Brickwork'; 'Fit Insulation'; 'Electrics'; 'Plastering'; and so on.
To access the Pull Plan Tasks page:
- Click Pull Plans in the left pane. The Pull Plans page appears.
- Click a pull plan in the list.
- Click Tasks.
For each task, the following information is displayed:
- : this symbol appears against tasks that have been locked to prevent them from being edited.
- Title: the name that has been given to the task.
- Progress: the percentage progress of the task that has been completed.
- Responsibility/Team: the project team that is responsible for carrying out the task.
- Task Start: the start date that has been specified against the task.
- Duration: the duration of the task in hours, as originally planned.
- Team Size: the number of people who are needed to carry out the task, as originally planned.
- Location: the build location at which the task will be carried out.
- Task Status: the current status of the task, for example 'To Do' or 'In Progress'.
- Actual Effort: the amount of effort that has been expended on the task in hours. This may differ from the planned duration.
- Actual Team Size: the number of people that were actually needed to carry out the task. This may differ from the planned team size.
- Risk Category: for tasks with a current or past status of 'At Risk/Blocked', the risk category that describes the reason for the task's status.
- Risk Identified Date: for tasks with a current or past status of 'At Risk/Blocked', the date on which the risk was recognised.
- Risk Owner: for tasks with a current or past status of 'At Risk/Blocked', the user who has responsibility for managing the risk.
- Risk Resolve By Date: for tasks with a current or past status of 'At Risk/Blocked', the date by which the risk should be resolved.
- Risk Resolved Date: for tasks with a past status of 'At Risk/Blocked', the date on which the risk was resolved.
- Tags: any project tags that have been assigned to the task.
You can filter the list and sort the list according to the data in a particular column.
To create a task in a pull plan, on the Pull Plan Tasks page, click New Task. Once you have created a task, it appears in the task list.
You cannot create tasks in a pull plan if the whiteboard is locked.
To view and edit a task's details, on the Pull Plan Tasks page, click the task in the list. The Edit Task dialog appears. You can also use this dialog to delete tasks.
You cannot edit tasks in a pull plan if the whiteboard is locked.
Working with lists in Asta Connect
Viewing and editing task details in a pull plan
Editing and moving multiple pull plan tasks at the same time
Locking tasks to prevent them from being edited or deleted
Exporting data from Asta Connect
Using risk categories to define why tasks are at risk or blocked