Working with lists in Asta Connect
Some Asta Connect pages comprise lists of objects. For example, the Projects page comprises a list of your projects; the Users page comprises a list of your Asta Connect users. There are certain tasks that you can carry out with all lists, regardless of the information that the list displays.
If a list contains a large number of items, the items are spread over more than one page, and you can move between the different pages of the list. For example, if you have a large number of projects, the Projects page displays your projects over more than one page.
You use the controls at the bottom-right of each list page to move between the different pages of a list:
The 'Total' figure shows the total number of items in the list. In the illustration above, there are 26 items.
The number in the dropdown control on the right shows how many items are displayed on each page. In the illustration above, 10 items are displayed on each page. Click this dropdown and select a different number to change the number of items that are displayed on each page.
The remaining numbers show how many pages there are in the list, with the highlighted number indicating the page you are currently viewing. In the illustration above, there are 3 pages in the list, and you are currently viewing the second page.
To move between the different pages of a list:
- Click to move to the next page.
- Click to move to the previous page.
- Click to move to the last page.
- Click to move to the first page.
- Click a number to view that page of the list. For example, click '2' to view the second page.
Asta Connect remembers which page of a list you are looking at, so that the same page is displayed the next time you access that list. Your list page settings are saved in the settings of the web browser you are currently using. If you switch to using a different web browser, or a different computer, you revert back to seeing the first page of a list the next time you access it.
The simplest way of filtering a list is to enter an alphanumeric string in the Search... field at the top of the list:
The list is filtered instantly as you enter text into the field, so that it displays only items that contain the text you are entering in one or more columns. For example:
- Enter one or more words to filter the list for items with the words you enter in any column.
- Enter a date to filter the list for items with the date you enter in any column.
Once you have applied a simple filter to a list, you can then apply a further filter according to the data in one or more key columns, as described below.
Asta Connect remembers your filter settings and applies them automatically the next time you access that list. Your filter settings are saved in the settings of the web browser you are currently using. If you switch to using a different web browser, or a different computer, all lists revert back to their default, unfiltered state.
To clear the filter and return to the default list view, delete any text you have entered into the Search... field.
You can filter lists according to the data in certain key columns. For example, you might want to filter the list on the Projects page to display only projects that are active and with a start date that is later than a given date; or you might want to filter the list on the Project Pull Plans page to display only pull plans that are active and with a particular project tag.
To filter a list according to the data in one or more key columns:
- Click Filter at the top-right of the list:
An array of filter fields appear above the list, with each field corresponding to a column in the list: - Enter information or make a selection in one of the fields to filter the list according to the data in that column. The list is filtered instantly, so that it displays only items that match the information you enter or select.
- If you want to further filter the list according to the data in another column, follow the above steps to apply a secondary - or further - filter.
- Click Filter again to hide the array of filter fields when you have finished specifying your filter criteria.
Asta Connect remembers your filter settings and applies them automatically the next time you access that list. Your filter settings are saved in the settings of the web browser you are currently using. If you switch to using a different web browser, or a different computer, all lists revert back to their default, unfiltered state.
To clear all filters and return to the default list view, click Clear Filters:
You can sort lists according to the data in any column that has in its heading. For example, if you have a column displaying a name, you can sort the list by name alphanumerically from A to Z, or vice versa.
To sort a list according to the data in a particular column, click the column heading. Click the column heading once to sort the list in ascending order - for example from A to Z, or from the earliest date to the most recent. Click the column heading again to sort the list in descending order - for example from Z to A, or from the most recent date to the earliest.
The arrows in the heading of the column that you are currently using to sort a list are shaded slightly darker than in the heading of other columns. In the illustration below, the list is currently sorted according to the data in the 'Start Date' column:
Asta Connect remembers your sort settings and applies them automatically the next time you access that list. Your sort settings are saved in the settings of the web browser you are currently using. If you switch to using a different web browser, or a different computer, all list columns revert back to their default sort settings.
You can change the width of columns in lists, allowing each column more or less space to display the information it contains.
To change the width of a column in a list:
- Position the mouse pointer over the heading of the column that you want to resize. You see two parallel, dotted, vertical lines on the right-hand side of the heading:
- Position the mouse pointer over the dotted vertical lines until it appears as .
- Click the dotted vertical lines and, holding down the left mouse button, drag to the left or to the right to change the width of the column. A vertical line appears as you drag, indicating the new width of the column:
- Release the left mouse button when the column appears with the desired width. The width of the column is changed.
Asta Connect remembers your column width settings and applies them automatically the next time you access that list. Your column width settings are saved in the settings of the web browser you are currently using. If you switch to using a different web browser, or a different computer, all list columns revert back to their default widths.
You can export information from some lists to a Microsoft Excel workbook. You may want to do this to access the information using another application. For example, you may want to construct a spreadsheet containing information about each of your projects.
Before exporting information, you may want to filter the items that appear in the list, so that only information on certain items is exported. For example, you may want to filter the list on the Projects page so that it includes only projects that start after a certain date, or that finish before a certain date.
To export information from a list for use in another application:
- Filter the items that appear in the list if required.
- Click Export to Excel at the top-right of the list:
A message appears, informing you that the Microsoft Excel file is being prepared. When the exported file has been prepared, it appears as a download in your web browser window, and is saved in your 'Downloads' folder. You can now open the file in Microsoft Excel.