Working with project tags

The Project Tags page displays a list of the project tags that have been created in Asta Connect.

When you import a project from Asta Powerproject, code library entries are imported as project tags, with the correct patterns and similar colours. The code's background fill colour and pattern are retained, but the code's foreground fill colour is used only to colour the borders of activities in Asta Connect, with the foreground fill colour of activities always appearing as black.

Project tags that have been imported in an Asta Powerproject project are restricted to the imported project. The name of each code library entry becomes the title of a project tag, and the name of the code library becomes the category of each project tag.

To access the Project Tags page, click Project Tags in the left pane.

You can use project tags to 'tag', or categorise, your projects, master plan activities, pull plans, project teams and tasks in any way you want. For example, you might use project tags to categorise projects, activities, pull plans, project teams and tasks as 'High Risk'; 'Commercial'; 'Decorating'; and so on. When viewing a project's master plan, you can filter the activities that appear according to the project tags that have been assigned to any of the activities or to their pull plans or tasks.

There are two types of project tag:

  • 'Global Tags' - project tags that can be applied to any project, pull plan, project team or task.
  • 'Project Tags' - project tags that are specific to a particular project and that can be applied only to that project, or to its activities, pull plans and tasks.

For each project tag, the following information is displayed:

  • Title: the name that has been given to the project tag.
  • Category: the category to which the project tag belongs. For example, it might be an 'Ecological' tag, or a 'Trades' tag.
  • Project Name: if the project tag is restricted to a particular project, so that it can be applied to that project and its master plan activities, pull plans and tasks only, the name of the project to which it is restricted.
  • Tag Appearance: an illustration of the appearance of the project tag.

A check box is displayed to the left of each project tag. You can use these check boxes to delete multiple project tags.

Depending on your access rights, you may not be able to carry out all of the actions described below.

Related Topics:

Working with lists in Asta Connect

Creating project tags

Viewing and editing project tag details

Assigning project tags