Checking out programmes

If you want to work with a programme in Asta Powerproject, edit it and save your changes, you should check it out. Once you have checked out a programme, you can open it in Asta Powerproject. When you have finished editing the programme, you should check it in again. Only one user can check out a programme at any one time. You normally use Asta Powerproject to check out programmes, but you can also check out programmes using the Asta Vision website, as described below.

If Asta Vision is configured to work in Asta Powerproject Managed Baselines mode, if a programme is not in progress and if a baseline of the programme is available, it is checked out along with the programme automatically.

If you want to view a programme in detail without making any changes to it, do not check it out; download a copy of the programme to your computer instead.

Downloading a programme differs from checking out a programme as follows:

Downloading Checking out
Other users are able to check out the programme and make changes to it. Other users are unable to check out the programme until you have checked it in.
You cannot upload any changes that you make to the programme. Any changes that you make to the programme are uploaded when you check in the programme.

If you have applied a quality check to a programme type, it is not possible to check programmes of that type in or out using the Asta Vision website; you must check them in and out using Asta Powerproject. If you use global libraries in Asta Vision, it is not possible to check any programmes in or out using the Asta Vision website; you must check them in and out using Asta Powerproject. The only exception to this is if your user role has been assigned to the 'Override Check In/Out Programme Restrictions' security rule, in which case you can check programmes in and out using the Asta Vision website; but you must only do this in exceptional circumstances, for example if a programme has become corrupted.

To check out a programme:

  1. From the Asta Vision Home page, click Projects. The Projects page appears.
  2. Click the name of the project whose programme you want to check out. The Project page appears.
  3. Click the appropriate programme type hyperlink at the top of the page to view the tab of the programme you want to check out.
  4. Click Check Out on the programme's tab. The programme is checked out and its status changes to 'Checked Out'. If you are checking out the programme only, the programme's PP file is downloaded to your computer; if you are checking out the programme and a baseline, a zip file containing both programme and baseline are downloaded to your computer, with the baseline appearing as an imported baseline in the programme.

    A user may have specified in Asta Powerproject that a specific programme or baseline revision should be imported and treated as a baseline automatically each time a programme is checked out or downloaded. If this is the case, the specified programme or baseline revision is checked out or downloaded along with the programme automatically, included in the zip file, with the programme or baseline revision appearing as an imported baseline in the programme.

Related Topics:

Working with projects and programmes

Editing projects and programmes

Downloading the latest revision of a programme

Downloading a specific revision of a programme

Managing different revisions of a programme

Checking in programmes

Cancelling a programme check out

Asta Vision and baselines

Working with quality checks

Configuring Asta Vision to use global libraries