Working with projects
The Projects page displays a list of the projects that have been created in, or imported into, Asta Connect. Each project corresponds to a Last Planner© System 'master schedule'.
To access the Projects page, click Projects in the left pane.
For each project, the following information is displayed:
- Project Name: the name that has been given to the project.
- Start Date: the start date that has been specified against the project. This is not necessarily the start date of the earliest activity in the project's master plan, as a different date may have been specified.
- Finish Date: the finish date that has been specified against the project. This is not necessarily the finish date of the latest activity in the project's master plan, as a different date may have been specified.
- Location: the physical location at which the project takes place. This could be a town, a city, or a full address.
- Tags: any project tags that have been assigned to the project.
You can filter the list and sort the list according to the data in a particular column.
Working with lists in Asta Connect
Exporting projects from Asta Powerproject for use in Asta Connect
Importing projects into Asta Connect
Creating projects in Asta Connect
Viewing and editing project details
Viewing and editing a project's master plan
Importing data exported from Asta Connect into Asta Powerproject
Viewing a project's pull plans