Linking activities in a project's master plan

Usually, activities in a project have to take place in a particular order. For example, you cannot build a wall until you have dug the foundations. You specify the order in which activities take place by creating links between the activities. The activity at the start of the link is the predecessor, and the activity at the end of the link is the successor. In the example above, Dig Foundations would be the predecessor task, and Build Wall would be the successor task.

To create and edit links in a project's master plan, you must view the master plan. To do this:

  1. Click Projects in the left pane. The Projects page appears.
  2. Click a project in the list. The Project Details page appears.
  3. Click Master Plan at the top of the page. The Project Master Plan page appears.

Related Topics:

Viewing and editing a project's master plan

Creating activities in a project's master plan

Editing activities in a project's master plan

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