Creating project tags

You use the New Project Tag dialog to create a project tag that can be used to categorise your projects, master plan activities, pull plans, project teams and tasks.

To access the New Project Tag dialog, click Project Tags in the left pane, then click New Project Tag.

To create a new project tag:

  1. On the New Project Tag dialog, enter a descriptive name for the project tag in the Title field. This is the only mandatory field on this dialog: the other fields are optional.
  2. Select the category to which the project tag belongs in the Category field. For example, it might be an 'Ecological' tag, or a 'Trades' tag.
  3. If you want to restrict this project tag to a particular project, so that it can be applied to that project and its master plan activities, pull plans and tasks only, select the project in the Restricted to Project field. If you do not select a project in this field, you can apply the project tag to any project, activity, pull plan, project team or task. You cannot restrict a project tag to a single project if it has been used in one or more other projects.
  4. Select a colour to apply to the project tag in the Tag Colour field. Applying a colour to a tag makes it easier to identify it when you apply tags to projects, activities, pull plans, project teams and tasks.
  5. Select a colour in which to display the project tag's title in the Tag Text Colour field.
  6. Select a graphical image to apply to the tag in the Tag Icon field.
  7. Use the Gantt Bar Appearance fields to specify the colours and pattern to apply to any master plan activities, summary tasks and milestones to which the project tag is assigned:
    • Specify a background colour for the activities in the Bar Colour field.
    • Specify a colour in which to display the activities' borders in the Bar Fore Colour field.
    • Specify a pattern to apply to the activities in the Bar Pattern field.
  8. Click Save. The project tag is created and you are returned to the Project Tags page, where the new project tag appears in the project tag list.

Related Topics:

Working with project tags

Viewing and editing project tag details

Assigning project tags