Dealing with errors in Asta Vision

On the Projects page, a Exclamation mark icon appears in the Status column against all programmes in which an error has occurred.

The following errors may be reported:

Error Description
Failed to create The project was created but an error occurred when creating the initial programme. The most common cause of this error is a corrupt template.
Failed to export progress An error occurred when collecting data from the programme for Asta Site Progress.
Failed to import progress An error occurred when trying to apply the Asta Site Progress changes to the programme.
Failed to generate BI An error occurred when extracting the Business Intelligence data from the programme.

If an error has occurred, most standard and custom workflow actions at the top of the programme's tab on the Project page are hidden for all users except administrators. Non-administrator users are still able to download a specific revision, or the latest revision, of the programme.

Administrators are presented with a choice of the actions that are available to fix each error:

Fix action Applicable errors Description
Retry Failed to export progress; Failed to import progress; Failed to generate BI Click this action to attempt the action that has failed again. Use this action if you know that there was nothing wrong with the data and you think that the error was a temporary glitch.
Upload and retry Failed to export progress; Failed to import progress; Failed to generate BI Click this action to upload a fixed programme file and attempt the action that has failed again. Use this action if there was an error in your data that has been fixed by Elecosoft.
Retry create Failed to create Click this action to attempt to create a programme using a template that you can select from a drop-down menu. Try using a different template to the one you used to create the project the first time.

Related Topics:

Working with projects and programmes

Editing projects and programmes