Viewing and editing user details

You use the Edit User dialog to view and edit details of users. This dialog has two tabs: User Information and Roles. You can also use this dialog to delete users and to unlock users that have been locked out of Asta Connect following a number of unsuccessful attempts to sign in. You can also configure special permissions for users - permissions in addition to those defined by a user's roles.

To access the Edit User dialog:

  1. Click Administration in the left pane, then click Users. The Users page appears.
  2. Click a user in the list.

There are four types of Asta Connect user. All user types use Asta Connect in the same way; the only differences between them are the way that their user records are created in Asta Connect, and the way that they sign into Asta Connect.

Related Topics:

Working with users

Creating users

Configuring special permissions for users

Working with user roles

Configuring security settings