Introduction to Asta Vision

Asta Vision is a web-based application that stores your Asta Powerproject projects in a single location in the Cloud.

Each project in Asta Vision is associated with one or more programmes. You can configure the programme types to suit the way you work. For example, if you work with two different types of programme - 'Contract' and 'Delivery', both progressed in parallel but with the 'Contract' programme containing a lesser level of detail than the 'Delivery' programme - you can configure Asta Vision to work with both of these programme types. You can assign an order to each programme type to indicate the order in which programme types tend to be used - from the earliest to the latest.

Programmes in Asta Vision follow a preset workflow, which you define yourself by setting up workflow rules.

You can set up as many users as you need in Asta Vision. Each user is assigned to one or more user roles, which determine the actions that users can carry out. For example, if you have three different types of user - administrators, managers and planners - you should create one user role for each. Once you have created the user roles that you need, you can define security and email rules to determine the actions that users of each role can carry out and the events about which users of each role should be notified.

Users can check out programmes from Asta Vision when they want to work with them in Asta Powerproject. Once a programme is checked out, no other users can edit it until the programme has been checked in again - although users can download copies of checked out programmes to view. If your organisation uses Asta Vision Live, a version of Asta Vision that enables users to collaborate on programmes in real time, multiple users can work on the same programme at the same time in Asta Powerproject.

You can configure Asta Vision to use global libraries. These are calendars, codes, progress periods, quality checks and resources that can be stored in a global library file in Asta Vision and used in any number of individual projects, saving you from having to set up the same libraries in your projects multiple times. If you configure Asta Vision to use global libraries, you use the Global Libraries page to specify which types of library object should be included in the global libraries. For example, you may want to have global libraries for calendars, code libraries and permanent resources, but not for progress periods, quality checks and consumable resources.

Related Topics:

Understanding the workflow of programmes

Using Asta Vision Live to enable users to collaborate on projects

Signing into the Asta Vision website

Configuring Asta Vision to use global libraries

Using the Asta Vision Help