Asta Powerproject version 16.0.02 release notes

This topic lists the new features that have been introduced, and the issues that have been addressed, in the Asta Powerproject version 16.0.02 release.

Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Use cutting planes to view the interior of IFC models.

You can use cutting planes to split an IFC model or IFC group model into two sections, with one section visible and the other hidden, allowing you to view the interior of the model. In effect, you can split a building in half, or remove a wall or roof, to view inside. You can apply more than one cutting plane to an IFC model or IFC group model - up to six at a time - to define very precisely the way the model is 'cut'.


To work with cutting panes, you use the new IFC Cutting Planes pane. You can create cutting planes based on the current orientation of the camera, or based on one side of an IFC product.


If you use the IFC Comparison Model pane to display an alternative view of an IFC model or IFC group model, you can choose whether or not to display cutting planes in the IFC Comparison Model pane. Displaying cutting planes in the IFC Model pane but omitting them from the IFC Comparison Model pane enables you to view an IFC model both with and without cutting planes at the same time.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary More flexibility when positioning site objects.

You now have more flexibility when positioning site objects that you have added to IFC group models: as well as being able to move them horizontally and vertically, and rotate them around an axis, you can now tilt them around an axis of your choice and make them 'snap' to a surface of your choice. These new options are available on the Site Object Positioning dialog.


Both of these new options are useful when positioning site objects on non-horizontal surfaces such as sloping ground or a pitched roof. The Snap to surface option is also useful if you have moved, rotated or tilted a site object and want to revert it to a position at which it is sitting squarely on the ground.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Animate site objects to reflect their movement on site.
Description Before this release, if you wanted a site object to appear in timeline simulations in different locations at different times, you had to insert multiple copies of the site object into an IFC group model. You can now animate site objects, making them move from one position to another in an IFC group model, to reflect the movement of site objects in the real world. For example, if you have a site object representing a site hut that moves from one location to another during the build process, you can animate the site hut site object so that it moves from one location to another in the IFC group model during timeline simulations.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Make IFC properties available for use in Asta Powerproject.

You can now make IFC properties, taken from IFC models, available for use in Asta Powerproject. You do this by mapping user-defined fields to specific IFC properties. For example, you can:

  • Display IFC properties in the spreadsheet.
  • Filter bars and tasks according to IFC properties.
  • Sort/group bars and tasks according to IFC properties.
  • Display IFC properties in the bar chart.
  • Use IFC properties to construct formulae.
  • Export IFC properties as Business Intelligence data - this enables you to access the information in Asta Vision.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Select products in an IFC model with similar properties to a selected product.
Description You can now identify and select products in an IFC model that have similar properties to one or more products of your choice. For example, you may want to identify and select all products that have the same 'IfcType' value as a particular product; all products that have the same 'Material' value as a particular product; or all products that have the same 'BuildingStorey' value as a particular product.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Create new tasks by dragging and dropping products from an IFC model.
Description Before this release, you could associate products in an IFC model with existing tasks by dragging and dropping them onto tasks. You can now create new tasks in a project by dragging and dropping products from an IFC model onto blank sections of bars, or onto completely empty bars.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Identify the tasks that are associated with IFC products.
Description You can now view the tasks that are associated with IFC products in an IFC model. This may be useful if, for example, you are running a timeline simulation and you notice a problem. If the problem is with a particular IFC product - for example, if the product appears too soon or too late - you may want to identify the tasks that are associated with the product so that you can take steps to rectify the problem in the project schedule.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Convert IFC product searches into IFC product selections.

You can now convert IFC product searches into IFC product selections. You may want to do this for a number of reasons. For example:

  • If you receive a revision of an IFC model in which some changes have been made to IFC categories that would 'break' your IFC product searches, you could convert the IFC product searches into selections so that they will still work with the new revision.
  • If you use IFC product searches to associate products in an IFC model with tasks and you want to be able to hand the project to someone else without revealing the search criteria you have used, you could convert the IFC product searches into selections before passing the project on.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Configure IFC product searches to include the criteria of the parent IFC product search.

Before this release, if you wanted to set up a hierarchical structure of IFC product searches in which all of the IFC product searches in a folder shared the search criteria of the parent folder, you had to duplicate the search criteria of the parent folder in each individual IFC product search within the folder.


Now, you can now configure IFC product searches to include the criteria of their parent folders, so that products are included in an IFC product search only if they meet the search criteria of the IFC product search and the criteria of the parent folder. This means that you can build up a hierarchical structure of IFC product searches in which the parent folders are configured with a 'broad brush' set of search criteria, and individual IFC product searches are configured with search criteria at a finer level of detail, without having to duplicate the search criteria of the parent folder in each individual IFC product search within the folder.


For example, you could set up an IFC product search folder that included door-related products on a particular floor of a building, with IFC product searches within the folder that included all products related to individual doors on that floor.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Easier to locate BIM-related controls when customising the Ribbon.

Before this release, it could be difficult to identify Asta Powerproject 4D-related controls when customising the Ribbon. To make it easier to locate BIM-related controls, a new 'All BIM Commands' option has been added to the Choose commands from field, on the Ribbon tab of the Ribbon Customisation dialog. If you select 'All BIM Commands' in the Choose commands from field, the command list displays only Asta Powerproject 4D-related controls.


An 'All BIM Commands' option has also been added to the corresponding fields on the Quick Access Toolbar, Object Edit Toolbar and Keyboard tabs of the Ribbon Customisation dialog, making it easier to locate Asta Powerproject 4D-related controls when customising the Quick Access and Object Edit toolbars, and when customising keyboard shortcuts.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Specify timeline simulation scope settings for the IFC Comparison Model pane.
Description You can now specify the products that should be included in timeline simulations in the IFC Comparison Model pane, and the time period for which these timeline simulations should run, separately from timeline simulations that are displayed in the IFC Model pane. This means that you could display a different set of products in each pane when running a timeline simulation. For example, you could display all products in one pane, but only products that are associated with tasks in the current chart in the other pane.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Use filters to determine which products appear in timeline simulations.
Description You can now apply filters to timeline simulations to determine which products are included. If you apply a filter to a timeline simulation, only products in an IFC model that have been associated with a task that meets the filter criteria are included, and the timeline simulation runs from the start date of the earliest task (with an associated product) that meets the filter criteria to the finish date of the latest task (with an associated product) that meets the filter criteria. You can apply one filter to the timeline simulation in the IFC Model pane and a different filter in the IFC Comparison Model pane.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Enhanced forward and reverse options when running timeline simulations.

Two new buttons have been added to the Timeline group of controls on the BIM tab of the Ribbon, and to the dockable Timeline Controls pane:

  • Slow Forward/Fast Reverse - When a timeline simulation is running, click this control to halve the speed of the simulation; each time you click the control, the simulation speed halves. When a timeline simulation is running in reverse, click this control to double the speed of the simulation; each time you click the control, the simulation speed doubles.
  • Fast Forward/Slow Reverse - When a timeline simulation is running, click this control to double the speed of the simulation; each time you click the control, the simulation speed doubles. When a timeline simulation is running in reverse, click this control to halve the speed of the simulation; each time you click the control, the simulation speed halves.

In addition, the Reverse and Play buttons are now available when a timeline simulation is running. If you click one of these buttons when a timeline simulation is running and you have altered its speed by clicking Slow Forward/Fast Reverse or Fast Forward/Slow Reverse, the simulation will be reset to the default speed.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Display a timeline in videos and flipbooks.
Description You can now include a timeline in the videos and flipbooks that you create. If you include a timeline, it appears at the bottom of the video or flipbook, displaying a date scale from the start to the end of the video or timeline. A moving vertical dropline, or 'now line', indicates the current position of the video or flipbook on the date scale.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Retrieve information from IFC models using OLE.

The following methods have been implemented in OLE. This is to enable the production of bespoke macros which use information from IFC models that have been linked to Asta Powerproject projects:

  • GetAllProperties - Retrieves all available product properties for the IFC model.
  • GetAllPropertyValues - Retrieves all available values for a product property; note that 'GetAllProducts' can be achieved by calling GetAllPropertyValues("ID").
  • GetProductPropertyValue - Retrieves the property value of a product in this IFC model.
  • ActiveModel - Retrieves the selected IFC model in the active pane.
  • GetSelectedViewerProducts - Retrieves an array of all selected IFC products in the active pane.
  • GetVisibleViewerProducts - Retrieves an array of all visible IFC products in the active pane.
  • GetProductModel - Retrieves the IFC model from a group that contains the given product GUID (globally unique identifier).
  • GetProductSiteObject - Retrieves the IFC site object from a group that contains the given product GUID.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Vision
Summary Enable users to indicate that comments have been incorporated into Asta Vision programmes.

When you record a comment against an Asta Vision programme, you can now specify that users should indicate when the comment has been incorporated into the programme - or that it has been dealt with in some other way. For example, if you record a comment to ask a planner to revise part of a programme, you may want the planner to indicate when the programme has been revised. You do this using the new Display comment completion check box check box that has been added to the Add Programme Comment dialog.


If one or more of a programme's comments has Display comment completion check box selected, a Completed column appears on the Programme Comments page in Asta Vision, and users can select the check boxes in this column to indicate that they have incorporated a comment into the programme.


Issue N/A
Category Asta Vision/Asta Site Progress
Summary Stay logged into Asta Vision and Asta Site Progress.

Before this release, if you logged into Asta Vision or Asta Site Progress from the Backstage view of Asta Powerproject, your log in details were lost each time you closed Asta Powerproject, which meant that you had to log in again each time you restarted Asta Powerproject.


Now, if you log into Asta Vision or Asta Site Progress from the Backstage view of Asta Powerproject, your log in details are remembered, so you do not need to re-enter your email address and password to log in again if you close and restart Asta Powerproject. If you log into Asta Vision, you are logged into Asta Site Progress automatically, and vice-versa.


Issue 23890
Category Bar chart
Summary Display dates without times when date fields are shown in the bar chart.
Description Before this release, if you displayed a date field in the bar chart - using the Task data display fields on the Tasks tab of the Format Bar Chart dialog - times were always displayed as well as dates. Customers requested the ability to display dates without times in the bar chart.
Resolution The scope of the Annotations check box, on the Format tab of the Options dialog, has been increased: as well as determining whether times are displayed as well as dates in annotations, this check box now also determines whether times are displayed as well as dates when date fields are shown in the bar chart. Select the check box to display times with dates, or clear the check box to display dates only.


Issue 30341
Category Reschedule
Summary Give more information on out-of-sequence progress in the reschedule report.
Description A customer requested that the 'Out of sequence progress' section of the reschedule report be improved, to make it easier to identify the tasks that are involved in out-of-sequence progress and to give more information on exactly what out-of-sequence work has occurred.
Resolution The 'Out of sequence progress' section of the reschedule report now gives more information on the tasks that are involved in out-of-sequence progress and gives more information on exactly what out-of-sequence work has occurred.


Issue 30551
Category Import and export
Summary Don't include summary groups that contain only hammocks when exporting projects for use in Microsoft Project.
Description When you export a project for use in Microsoft Project, hammocks are excluded from the export, as they are not supported by Microsoft Project. Some customers keep their hammocks together in a project, by locating them in a summary group that contains nothing but hammocks. Before this release, if you exported a project containing a summary group with nothing but hammocks for use in Microsoft Project, the hammocks were excluded from the export but the summary task itself was not, resulting in an empty summary group.
Resolution Now, if a summary group contains nothing but hammocks, the summary task is excluded when you export a project for use in Microsoft Project.


Issue 31103/32782/32790/32814
Category Links/Progress
Summary Removing progress from tasks whose durations have been edited adds lag to links.
Description Before this release, If you removed progress from a task whose duration had been edited after progress was recorded, lag was added to the task's outgoing links incorrectly. This also happened in the following situations:
  • If you used the Selectively Remove Progress control to remove progress from tasks.
  • If you used the Transfer Progress control to copy the progress from one project to another - in this case, the extra lag was added to links in the destination project.
  • If you used the New from existing control to create a new project based on an existing one - in this case, the extra lag was added to links in the new project.
Resolution The error that caused this problem has now been addressed, so links now retain the correct amount of lead/lag in all the above situations.


Issue 31480
Category Reschedule
Summary Incorrect reschedule results when negative float is present.
Description Before this release, rescheduling a project in which one or more tasks had negative float could result in tasks being moved to the wrong dates.
Resolution This problem was caused by summary and expanded tasks with no links not being moved correctly during the second pass of the reschedule. Also, the free, late and early dates for such summary and expanded tasks were not calculated correctly. These issues have now been addressed.


Issue 31530
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Progress bar does not appear when you create videos in Asta Powerproject 4D.
Description Before this release, when you created a video in Asta Powerproject 4D, the progress bar appeared the first time you created a video, but did not appear when you created further videos, which made it look as if Asta Powerproject 4D was not creating the further videos.
Resolution The progress bar now appears correctly each time you create a video in Asta Powerproject 4D.


Issue 31617
Category Borders
Summary Asta Powerproject closes when a border containing an image is embedded in a project.
Description Before this release, Asta Powerproject closed in some cases when a border containing an image was embedded in a project.
Resolution This was caused when the image file within the border was compressed as part of the embedding process. In some circumstances, it is possible for an image file to grow fractionally larger when it is compressed, and when this happened, it exceeded the memory that Asta Powerproject had allocated for it. Asta Powerproject now copes with images becoming larger when they are compressed without any problems.


Issue 31641
Category Filters
Summary Applying a filter for costs over 1,000 results in an error in the German language version of Asta Powerproject.

Before this release, if you applied a filter that filtered for costs over 1,000 (in any currency), a 'Error executing TQL query' error would result. The filter in question was:


((costFromCostCentre (1518, 'false') > CURRENCY '1.000,00€'))

Resolution This problem was caused by the currency digit group separator on the server (where TQL is executed) being initialised with the list separator rather than with the correct language-specific currency digit group separator. This problem has now been addressed.


Issue 31661/32370/32417/32499
Category Asta Vision
Summary Move Asta Vision programmes following check in or submit.
Description Before this release, after you had checked in or submitted an Asta Vision programme from within Asta Powerproject, a local copy of the programme remained available. Some users found that they were accidentally opening the local copy, by selecting it in the list of recent projects on the Open tab of the Backstage view, then editing the programme and finding that they could not check in their changes.
Resolution Now, after you have checked in or submitted an Asta Vision programme from within Asta Powerproject, the local copy of the programme is moved to your 'Backup Files' folder and it is removed from the list of recent projects on the Open tab of the Backstage view. This prevents you from opening a checked in or submitted programme accidentally.


Issue 31662
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary IFC model takes a long time to open in Asta Powerproject 4D.
Description A customer reported that they could not open an IFC model in Asta Powerproject 4D, although it was possible to open it in other BIM applications.
Resolution Investigation showed that Asta Powerproject 4D would open the IFC model; however, the model took so long to open that the customer thought that it had failed to open. This was caused by the IFC model's products not being part of its project. In models with this issue, Asta Powerproject 4D now assumes that the products are part of the project, which speeds up the opening of such IFC models significantly.


Issue 31922
Category Baselines
Summary Baseline duration not copied correctly when copying spreadsheet data and pasting into Microsoft Excel.
Description Before this release, if you configured a spreadsheet column to display the duration of tasks in a baseline, then copied this spreadsheet data and pasted it into Microsoft Excel, the pasted data would display the live duration of tasks, rather than their durations in the baseline.
Resolution You can now copy baseline duration data successfully and paste it into Microsoft Excel.


Issue 31932
Category Import and export
Summary Cannot import XML files produced using TILOS, even though it is possible to import these files into Microsoft Project.
Description Before this release, it was not possible to import XML files that were produced using TILOS into Asta Powerproject, even though it was possible to import them into Microsoft Project.
Resolution Asta Powerproject required XML files to include a number of project and task-related fields, which the TILOS files did not contain. This requirement has been relaxed, so it is now possible to import TILOS-produced XML files into Asta Powerproject.


Issue 31956
Category Spreadsheet/Filters
Summary Duration variance column displays incorrect values when a filter is applied.
Description Before this release, if you configured a spreadsheet column to display the duration variance of tasks then applied a filter to the view, the column would display incorrect values unless you cleared the Apply view filter check box on the Table Definition Properties dialog.
Resolution The Duration variance column now displays correct values when a filter is applied and the Apply view filter check box is selected.


Issue 32015/32925
Category Security groups
Summary Users are unable to open projects if their security group do not grant 'Read' access to milestone appearances.
Description Before this release, if a user's security group did not grant 'Read' access to milestone appearances in a project, the user would be unable to open the project.
Resolution Users are now able to open projects even if their security group does not grant 'Read' access to milestone appearances.


Issue 32027
Category Import and export
Summary Importing XER or XML files into Primavera software fails if a file contains a summary task that has been added to a hammock.
Description Before this release, if you added a summary task to a hammock and exported the project to XER or XML format, an error would result if you attempted to import the file into Primavera software.
Resolution Primavera software reported the error as summary tasks within hammocks have no task ID. To resolve the issue, summary tasks within hammocks are no longer included when you export a project to XER or XML format.


Issue 32033
Category Print preview
Summary Asta Powerproject crashes when displaying a print preview that includes baseline data, with milestone appearances in the legend.
Description Before this release, if you displayed a print preview of a project that included baseline data, with milestone appearances in the legend, Asta Powerproject would crash.
Resolution Asta Powerproject was attempting to display baseline milestone appearance information in the legend, and if any milestone appearances existed in the baseline but not in the live data, Asta Powerproject would crash. Asta Powerproject no longer displays baseline milestone appearance information in the legend, so this crash no longer occurs.


Issue 32044
Category Sorting
Summary Asta Powerproject sorts by project ID rather than project name when sorting tasks by project.
Description Before this release, if you sorted tasks by project, Asta Powerproject sorted the tasks according to their project's ID, rather than their project's name.
Resolution Asta Powerproject now sorts tasks according to their project's name rather than their project's ID when you sort tasks by project.


Issue 32093/32132
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Unable to open IFC models in Asta Powerproject 4D.
Description Before this release, it was not possible to open IFC models that required support for IFC in Asta Powerproject 4D, although it was possible to open them in other applications.
Resolution Support for IFC has been added to Asta Powerproject 4D, so it is now possible to open IFC models that require support for IFC in Asta Powerproject 4D.


Issue 32095
Category Constraints
Summary Cannot remove holding pins from tasks using the right-click menu or Ribbon controls once progress has been applied.
Description Before this release, if you applied progress to a task to which a holding pin had been applied, it became impossible to remove the holding pin from the task using the right-click menu or the Ribbon controls.

It is now possible to remove holding pins from progressed tasks using the right-click menu and the Ribbon controls.


The customer also reported that when 100% progress was applied to a task, its holding pin moved from the start of the task to its finish. This is correct behaviour, as the holding pin 'pins' the remaining duration of a task - which in this case is zero - so when progress is applied to a task, keeping the holding pin at the start of the task would be wrong.


Issue 32114
Category Permanent resource allocations
Summary Changing the resource allocation on a task in the resource usage view then reducing the task's duration causes allocation profile issues.
Description Before this release, if you changed the resource allocation on a task in the resource usage view then reduced the duration of the task in the bar chart, the effort of the task's resource allocation increased by a large amount.
Resolution When recalculating the allocation's effort as the task duration decreased, Asta Powerproject incorrectly multiplied it by 3,600 to convert the effort from hours into seconds; but in this case, the effort was already recorded using a time unit of seconds, so this multiplication was unnecessary. Asta Powerproject now recalculates allocation effort correctly in these circumstances.


Issue 32141
Category Filters
Summary Filters that search for a particular code do not work properly in 'jagged progress' mode.
Description Before this release, if a view was displayed in 'jagged progress' mode, filters that searched for a particular code returned all tasks on a bar if that code was assigned to one or more tasks on the bar.
Resolution Filters that search for a particular code now work correctly when views are displayed in 'jagged progress' mode.


Issue 32207
Category Progress
Summary Problem when copying actual effort data from Microsoft Excel and pasting it into the spreadsheet.
Description Before this release, if you copied actual effort data from Microsoft Excel and pasted it into a spreadsheet column in Asta Powerproject that was configured to display actual effort for a particular progress period, any cells that were blank in Microsoft Excel - ie cells with no actual effort - were populated with actual effort from the previous progress period in Asta Powerproject rather than showing no actual effort.
Resolution It is now possible to copy and paste actual effort data into the spreadsheet without this problem occurring - if a cell that you are copying and pasting is blank in Microsoft Excel, no actual effort is shown in that cell in Asta Powerproject.


Issue 32222
Category Links
Summary Dragging Start-to-Start links that start or finish at milestones from one task to another changes the link type to Finish-to-Start.

Before this release, Start-to-Start links would be changed to Finish-to-Start links in the following situations:

  • If you dragged the finish of a Start-to-Start link that started at a milestone from the start of one task to the start of another.
  • If you dragged the start of a Start-to-Start link that started at a task and finished at a milestone from the start of one task to the start of another.
Resolution It is now possible to drag links in the above circumstances to different tasks without the link type being changed.


Issue 32244
Category Business Intelligence
Summary Business Intelligence Controller cannot handle file names that include special characters such as umlauts.
Description Before this release, if you exported Business Intelligence data and specified a file name that included a special character such as an umlaut, the file name would appear garbled the next time you launched the Business Intelligence Controller.
Resolution Business Intelligence Controller now handles file names that include special characters such as umlauts correctly.


Issue 32252
Category Project view
Summary Selection jumps to chart or summary group with a name starting with '('.
Description Before this release, if the project view displayed multiple charts (or summary groups), with one of them starting with a '(' character, and you clicked a chart towards the top of the list then pressed the DOWN arrow, the selection would move to the chart starting with '(', rather than to the next chart down.
Resolution Pressing the DOWN arrow in this situation now moves the selection to the next chart down.


Issue 32300
Category Import and export
Summary Asta Powerproject freezes when attempting to import XER files from Primavera software.
Description A customer reported that Asta Powerproject froze when they attempted to import two XER files that had been created in Primavera software.
Resolution The issue was that some versions of Primavera software export a risk table that includes characters that Microsoft Windows interprets as 'end of file' characters. This meant that Asta Powerproject was unable to import these XER files. Asta Powerproject now reads these files as binary files and ignores the '\r' characters at the ends of lines, which means that it is now possible to import such files.


Issue 32307
Category Import and export
Summary Improve the treatment of lead/lag on Finish-to-Start links when importing from Microsoft Project.
Description Before this release, if a Microsoft Project project containing a Finish-to-Start link with 10d lead time was imported into Asta Powerproject, the link would become a Finish-to-Start link with -10d lag. While this is technically the same thing, it was not what customers were expecting to see.

Now, if you import a Microsoft Project project containing a Finish-to-Start link with 10d lead time, the resulting link still has 10d lead time after the import.


If you want to revert to using the previous behaviour - in which links with lead time are turned into links with negative lag - edit the registry and create a DWORD value called 'MSPImportLinksBehaviourFixedDuration' at the following key - 'Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Asta\Powerproject Teamplan\1.0\client' - and set it to '0'. If this DWORD value is set to any other value, or if it is not present at all, the new behaviour is used.


Issue 32309
Category Import and export
Summary Mark non-working exceptions as holidays when importing projects from Microsoft Project in MPP or XML format.
Description A customer requested that non-working exceptions should be marked as holidays when projects are imported from Microsoft Project in MPP or XML format.
Resolution Non-working exceptions are now marked as holidays when projects are imported from Microsoft Project in MPP or XML format.


Issue 32332
Category Import and export
Summary Summary and expanded tasks are given incorrect dates and durations when exporting projects to Primavera software in XER or XML format.
Description A customer reported that when they exported a project that contained summary tasks to Primavera software in XER or XML format, a task was created for each summary task in the exported project. The customer argued that no tasks should have been created for each summary task, and noted that the duration and dates of these tasks were incorrect.

Summary and expanded tasks were incorrectly being assigned the rolled up duration of their subordinate tasks during export; they now retain the correct duration and dates when they are exported.


The export routine creates a task for a summary or expanded task in the following circumstances:

  • One or more cost or resource allocations have been assigned to the summary or expanded task.
  • One or more codes have been assigned to the summary or expanded task, or to the bar on which the task is located.

The export routine was creating tasks for the summary tasks in the customer's project because codes had been assigned to the bars on which the summary tasks were located. If you do not wish the export routine to create a task for each summary or expanded task, ensure that your summary and expanded tasks have no cost or resource allocations, and that no codes are assigned to the summary or expanded tasks, or to the bars on which they are created.


Issue 32343
Category Sorting
Summary Discrepancy when sorting tasks according to code.
Description Before this release, if you sorted a view according to the names of the codes that are assigned to tasks, codes with names starting with a lower-case character were sorted alphabetically first, followed by codes with names starting with an upper-case character sorted alphabetically. For example, the following codes - 'c1'; D6'; 'A3'; 'a5' - would be sorted in the following order: 'a5'; 'c1'; 'A3'; 'D6'.
Resolution Codes are now sorted alphabetically regardless of the character case. The above example is now sorted in the following order: 'A3'; 'a5'; 'c1'; 'D6'.


Issue 32390
Category Printing/Asta Vision
Summary Easier access to border files uploaded to Asta Vision.
Description Before this release, Asta Vision users could find it difficult to use the correct border files when printing. Some organisations uploaded their border files using Asta Vision's Global Files page to make them available to all users, but this still required all users to download the border files to a folder on their computer in order to use them.

Now, the Browse button, on the Details tab of the Print dialog, has a dropdown arrow to the right of it. If you click the dropdown and select Vision, a new Download From Asta Vision dialog appears, which you can use to download borders that have been uploaded using Asta Vision's Global Files page.


In addition to this, if you are signed into Asta Vision and the border file that is specified in a project is not available locally, but is available as one of Asta Vision's global files, a message now appears to inform you that the border is available in Asta Vision, asking if you want to download it.


Issue 32413
Category Asta Vision
Summary Attach files to emails when checking and submitting Asta Vision programmes.
Description Depending on the way in which Asta Vision is configured, you may be able to attach files to programmes when you check in or submit them. If you attach a file, a new programme comment is recorded against the programme, with the file attached. A customer requested that in addition to this, the files you attach when checking in or submitting should be attached to the emails that are sent automatically as a result of the check in or submit, as part of your workflow.
Resolution The files you attach when checking in or submitting Asta Vision programmes are now attached to the emails that are sent automatically as a result of the check in or submit, as part of your workflow. This makes it easier for reviewers to access any files relating to the checked in or submitted programme.


Issue 32465
Category Spreadsheet
Summary Actual cost and Actual income columns configured to display information from a specific progress period not working properly.

Before this release, if you configured a spreadsheet column to display either the actual cost or actual income for a specific progress period, if you entered an amount into the column, it was not added to actual cost or income that related to previous progress periods; you had to manually calculate the total actual cost or income (previous periods plus the latest period) and enter this total into the field.


For example, if you had so far completed £1850 in previous periods and you completed another £700 in the latest period, you could not simply enter '700' into the spreadsheet column; you had to sum the two figures manually and enter the total of '2550' into the column.

Resolution The Actual cost and Actual income columns now work as they should do when configured to display information from a specific progress period.


Issue 32479
Category Printing
Summary Black horizontal lines appear on printouts at the top and bottom of bars containing summaries when hierarchical banding is turned on.
Description Before this release, if you printed a selection of data, black horizontal lines appeared on printouts at the top and bottom of bars containing summaries when hierarchical banding was turned on.
Resolution These black horizontal lines no longer appear on printouts.


Issue 32486
Category Asta Vision
Summary Display a warning if you attempt to close an Asta Vision programme without having checked it in.
Description A customer requested that a warning should be displayed if you attempt to close an Asta Vision programme without having checked it in.
Resolution Asta Powerproject now displays a warning if you attempt to close a programme that you have checked out of Asta Vision, without having checked it in.


Issue 32500
Category Reschedule/Quality checks
Summary Asta Powerproject reports that critical path integrity is broken in a project comprising only two linked tasks.
Description A customer reported that Asta Powerproject considered the critical path integrity to be broken in a project that comprised only two tasks, joined by a Finish-to-Start link. Both tasks were shown to be critical following a reschedule, but Asta Powerproject reported that the earlier task broke the critical path integrity - both in the 'Breaks critical path integrity' field, and in the 'Critical path test' quality metric.

The critical path integrity check works by temporarily increasing the duration of each incomplete task on the critical path to 600d in turn, then checking that the finish date of the project has moved into the future by the same amount. The check incorrectly assumed that each day would comprise 7.5 working hours, which was not the case here; in this project, each day comprised 8 working hours. This meant that in projects with working days other than 7.5 hours, the critical path integrity check would not work correctly.


The critical path integrity check now uses the project's 'Working Days' time unit to calculate the 600d by which to increase the duration of tasks. This means that the critical path integrity check now works in all projects, regardless of the duration of a working day in the project.


Issue 32513
Category Date zone
Summary Elapsed months in the date zone jump by one month.
Description Before this release, if you displayed an 'Elapsed Months' line in the date zone and scrolled across to the right, when you reached the point at which the start of month 1 disappeared behind the spreadsheet, all of the months jumped across by one month: month 1 became month 0; month 2 became month 1; and so on.
Resolution Elapsed months in the date zone are now displayed correctly when you scroll horizontally.


Issue 32545
Category Spreadsheet/Costs
Summary Planned percent complete (PPC) spreadsheet column ignores progressed sections of cost allocations.
Description Before this release, if you configured a spreadsheet column to display the planned percent complete (PPC) of costs, it would ignore progressed sections of cost allocations and display only data from uncompleted sections. This also affected the Planned value (PV) and Schedule variance (SV) fields.
Resolution Since the release of Asta Powerproject version 14.0.03, the Planned percent complete (PPC), Planned value (PV) and Schedule variance (SV) fields were incorrectly displaying information about remaining cost rather than total cost; they now display correct values when displayed in the spreadsheet.


Issue 32568
Category Saving projects
Summary View changes not saved when saving a project over itself using File - Save As.
Description A customer reported that if they saved a project by clicking File, selecting Save As and saving over the original file, using the original file name and location, changes they had made to views were not saved. For example, spreadsheet formatting changes, spreadsheet column changes, hierarchical banding changes and progress period display changes were not saved.
Resolution View changes were not being saved in these circumstances, as Asta Powerproject was unable to locate the views that it needed to save when the Backstage view was in focus. The Backstage view is now closed before performing the 'Save As' action, which means that Asta Powerproject is now able to update the project's views.


Issue 32640
Category Import and export
Summary Progressed tasks to which codes are assigned are placed into an uncoded sort/group when importing a Primavera P6 project.
Description A customer reported that when they imported a Primavera P6 project into Asta Powerproject, progressed tasks to which codes had been assigned were placed into the sort/group for tasks with no codes assigned.
Resolution The import process did not copy the codes that had been assigned to progressed tasks to the tasks' completed sections. This meant that they were treated as if they had no codes assigned. The import process now copies codes to the completed sections of tasks, so they are now placed correctly in sorted/grouped views.


Issue 32673
Category Baselines/Risk Analysis
Summary Problem with Baseline Wizard when creating embedded baselines based on Risk Analysis iterations.
Description Before this release, if you created a baseline from a Risk Analysis iteration and chose to embed it, it was impossible to move beyond the baseline embedding warning in the Baseline Wizard; clicking Next merely displayed the warning again.
Resolution The Next button should not have been enabled when creating an embedded baseline from a Risk Analysis iteration: the button would otherwise access the Scope page of the Baseline Wizard, which is irrelevant when creating baselines based on Risk Analysis iterations. The Next button is now enabled only if the baseline has a name and the baseline is not embedded. For embedded baselines, the Finish button is now enabled in this situation, enabling you to create the baseline.


Issue 32841
Category Costs
Summary Progressing a task gives no actual income value when a resource allocation includes income as a percentage of the cost.
Description Before this release, if you configured a cost and income rate to have income as a percentage of the cost and assigned a resource using that cost and income rate to a task, progressing the task resulted in no actual income value.
Resolution Actual income is now calculated correctly for cost and income rates that have income as a percentage of the cost when tasks are progressed.


Issue 32852
Category Dialogs/Progress
Summary Duration percent complete field displays overall percentage complete value.
Description Before this release, the Duration percent complete field, on the Task tab of the Bar and Task Properties dialog, incorrectly displayed the overall percentage complete value for tasks.
Resolution The Duration percent complete field, on the Task tab of the Bar and Task Properties dialog, now displays the correct value for tasks - overall percentage complete.


Issue 32931
Category Import and export
Summary Exceptions with a duration of more than 999 days removed when exporting projects to Microsoft Project in XML format.
Description Before this release, any exceptions with a duration of more than 999 days were deleted from projects when they were exported to Microsoft Project in XML format. This was because Microsoft Project does not support exceptions with a duration over 999 days. Days covered by extremely long non-working exceptions therefore incorrectly appeared as working days.
Resolution Any exceptions with a duration of more than 999 days are now split into two or more exceptions when projects are exported to Microsoft Project in XML format, so that they can be represented correctly.


Issue 32933
Category Asta Powerproject 4D
Summary Fly pasts are jerky when a timeline simulation is configured with a timeline interval that uses working time.
Description Before this release, Asta Powerproject 4D fly pasts did not run smoothly when the timeline simulation was configured with a timeline interval that used working, rather than elapsed time.
Resolution The jerkiness was caused by the timeline simulation jumping across non-working time in a way that did not match the way the fly past worked. Fly pasts now run smoothly regardless of whether the timeline simulation is configured with a timeline interval that uses working time, or elapsed time.


Issue 32935
Category Project view
Summary Unable to deselect charts and summary groups in the project view by CTRL-clicking.
Description Since the release of Asta Powerproject version 16.0.01, it has not been possible to deselect charts and summary groups in the project view by CTRL-clicking.
Resolution It is now once again possible to deselect charts and summary groups in the project view by CTRL-clicking.


Issue 32967
Category Asta Vision/Asta Enterprise
Summary Cannot commit programmes to Asta Vision when they are checked out to an Asta Enterprise server.
Description Before this release, it was not possible to commit programmes to Asta Vision when they had been checked out to an Asta Enterprise server.
Resolution It is now possible to commit programmes to Asta Vision that have been checked out to an Asta Enterprise server. Note that when you commit such a programme, all changes from all users - even changes that are unsaved at the time of committal - are committed.


Issue 32987
Category Reschedule
Summary Asta Powerproject reports that the critical path integrity is broken when it is not

Asta Powerproject checks the integrity of the critical path by temporarily increasing the duration of each incomplete task on the critical path in turn to 600d, and checking that the finish date of the project moves into the future by the same amount.


Before this release, a task was considered to break the critical path integrity if the finish date of the project did not move into the future by exactly 600d when the duration of a task was temporarily increased. This meant that the critical path integrity was broken in situations like the following, where Task 1 is included on the critical path, but has an outgoing Start-to-Start link midway along the task that ends at Task 2, meaning that the end of Task 1 does not currently affect the end of the project:


Task 1 is included on the critical path, but has an outgoing Start-to-Start link, which means that the end of the task does not currently affect the end date of the project

Resolution You can now get around this problem by specifying an amount of leeway that each task is allowed before it is deemed to break the critical path integrity. You do this using the new Days leeway field that has been added to the reschedule options. For example, if you specify 10d leeway, a task is allowed to increase in duration by up to 10d before it is deemed to break the critical path integrity. Asta Powerproject defaults to allowing each task one day's leeway - and this is the minimum amount of leeway allowable - to allow for tasks that are configured to start on a new day.


Issue 33003
Category Links
Summary Changing the colour of one link category causes all other link categories to change.
Description Before this release, if you changed the colour of a link category using Library Explorer's drop-down controls, the colours of all other link categories were updated to the selected colour as well. This did not happen if you edited a link category using the Link Category Properties dialog.
Resolution It is now possible to change the colour of a link category using Library Explorer's drop-down controls without other link categories being updated as well.


Issue 33015
Category Calendars
Summary Import exception dates from Microsoft Excel into calendars.
Description A customer requested the ability to import a list of dates from a Microsoft Excel file into Asta Powerproject, and for an exception to be created on each of the dates.
Resolution You can now create identical exceptions on a series of dates in a calendar, by importing a Microsoft Excel file that comprises a list of dates. This might be useful if, for example, you have been provided with a spreadsheet of dates that are holidays, or on which a contractor cannot work. You can specify the type of exception to create on each of the dates. For example, you could create a 24 hour holiday, or a 2 hour period of overtime working on each day. If any of the new exceptions conflicts with an existing exception, you are given the chance to cancel the import.


Issue 33021
Category EVA Reporter
Summary Asta Powerproject crashes when reporting on all code libraries in EVA Reporter.
Description Before this release, if you ran EVA Reporter, selecting Report by code library and selecting all code libraries on the Code Libraries screen, Asta Powerproject would crash in certain circumstances.
Resolution Asta Powerproject no longer crashes in these circumstances.


Issue 33085
Category Baselines
Summary Embedded baseline data is lost when projects are saved to a network drive.
Description Before this release, if you saved a project with an embedded baseline to a network drive, the embedded baseline data would be lost and Asta Powerproject would warn you that the embedded baseline could not be found.
Resolution Asta Powerproject no longer loses embedded baseline data when projects are saved to a network drive.


Issue 33127
Category Copy and paste
Summary Inconsistent behaviour when copying and pasting 'Alt IDs'.
Description 'Alt ID' is an object identifier that does not appear in the Asta Powerproject user interface, which can be used 'behind the scenes' (for example, when exporting Business Intelligence data) to provide a consistent, non-editable reference for tasks, codes, resources, etc. Before this release, Alt IDs were not handled consistently when data was copied and pasted; all Alt IDs were zeroed, except for resource Alt IDs, which were retained.

Alt IDs are now handled consistently when data is copied and pasted:

  • When objects are copied and pasted into the same project, all Alt IDs are retained.
  • When objects are copied and pasted into a different project, all Alt IDs are retained, unless an Alt ID already exists for the relevant object type in the destination project - in which case the Alt ID that would cause a duplicate is zeroed.

When objects are cut and pasted, all Alt IDs are still retained.


Issue 33328
Category Activation/Moving licences
Summary Unable to move an Asta Powerproject licence.
Description A customer reported that when they attempted to move an Asta Powerproject licence, they were unable to do so, and that they received a message stating that their serial number and CD key could not be validated.

A change to the Asta Powerproject activation code meant that when a new licence was acquired, the relevant key in the registry was not being set correctly to indicate that Asta Powerproject was activated; it is not possible to move a licence unless this key is set correctly.


The relevant key in the registry is now set correctly when Asta Powerproject is activated, so it is now possible to move licences.