Sample database connection strings

You specify the connections between the Business Intelligence Controller application and your external databases using ODBC connection strings.

Sample Microsoft SQL Server connection string

The syntax of a Microsoft SQL Server® connection string is as follows:

Driver={<driver name>};Server=<server>;Database=<database>;Uid=<username>;Pwd=<password>;

Note the following points:

  • <driver name> is the name of your Microsoft SQL Server driver. This must match precisely the driver name associated with the version of Microsoft SQL Server that you are using that appears in the Drivers tab of the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog. You can find this dialog by searching for "ODBC" in Windows.
  • <server> names the database instance, for example myServerName\theInstanceName. When exporting data from an Powerproject Enterprise server, this must be relative to the machine on which the Enterprise server is installed. When exporting data from a standalone Powerproject client, this must be relative to the machine on which the Business Intelligence Controller is installed.
  • <database> names the database, for example bidata.
  • <username> is the user name required to access the Business Intelligence database.
  • <password> is the password required to access the Business Intelligence database.
  • If you use Microsoft Active Directory® integrated security, you can replace the Uid=<username> and Pwd=<password> elements with the following: Trusted_Connection=yes.

A sample Microsoft SQL Server connection string is given below:

Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=server1\abc1;Database=bidata;Uid=admin;Pwd=password;

A sample Microsoft SQL Server connection string using Microsoft Active Directory integrated security is given below:

Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=server1\abc1;Database=bidata;Trusted_Connection=yes;

Sample Oracle connection string

The syntax of an Oracle® connection string is as follows:

Driver={<driver name>};Dbq=<NSN>;uid=<username>;pwd=<password>

Note the following points:

  • <driver name> is the precise name of your Oracle driver.
  • <NSN> is the net service name, for example remotedatabase. Net service names are created using the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (‘Local Net Service Name configuration’).
  • <username> is the user name required to access the Business Intelligence database.
  • <password> is the password required to access the Business Intelligence database.

A sample Oracle connection string is given below:

Driver={Oracle in OraClient11g_home1};Dbq=<bidata>;uid=<admin>;pwd=<password>

Sample SQLite connection string

The syntax of a SQLite® connection string is as follows:

Driver=<driver name>;Database=<filename>

Note the following points:

  • <driver name> is the precise name of your SQLite driver.
  • <filename> is the file name of the Business Intelligence database, for example bidata.

A sample SQLite connection string is given below:

Driver=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=<bidata>

Related Topics:

Setting up an external database ready for export

Exporting Business Intelligence data to an external database